First and foremost we recognize that unless we are seeking God's will, and depending on Him for our success, we are laboring in vain (Psalms 127).  Although we are a "religious" non-profit organization, our goal is not to spread our particular brand of "western belief," but rather to show Christ's love and share our hope of salvation through Him in a culturally relevant and sensitive way.  "Religion" has so many negative connotations in today's world, but we hold true to the definition so eloquently spoken of in James 1:27 (NIV): "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
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About Us : Strategy
General Overview
We embrace the beauty and power of cultural diversity.  God created us all as equals, but He did not create us all to look, act, live, love, worship, and behave the same.  The book of Revelation talks of every tribe, nation and tongue, standing before the throne of God; not just white folks who speak English, go to a white church with a steeple, and sing out of a hymnal.

It is essential that we approach people and situations with a true understanding and appreciation of the cultural elements which are involved.  Failure to do so can result in unanticipated and sometimes unpleasant consequences.  We strive to come along-side those who are already doing the work in the field, preferably nationals, who understand the local culture and tradition.         

Cultural Sensitivity